Farm | Food

Fall Harvest: What’s in Season at Kiawah River?

Fall means the resurgence of some of our favorite things: sweater weather, college football rivalries, homemade desserts and of course, seasonal autumn produce. When temperatures begin to drop across the Lowcountry, it signals that it’s time to graduate from our beloved tomato season and be on the lookout for some new fall specialties.

Delicious and nutritious times are ahead at Kiawah River Farm. We’ve selected four fruits and vegetables you should be on the lookout for this fall – ones that Kiawah River residents might even just see in their upcoming weekly CSA deliveries.

Pumpkins (early fall), which are likely the first fruit that comes to mind when you think of fall, are the most common winter squash. Pumpkins provide the richest, deepest flavor once fully matured, so be sure not to pick them off the vine before they’re ripe. Coming into season in September and October, pumpkins are an excellent source of nutrition and are great in many recipes. Roasting the seeds also makes for a tasty treat!

Pears (early fall), which are delicate and sweet, are a delicious treat. To make sure a pear is ripe, gently pinch the part closest to the stem to see if it is tender. A pear’s taste ranges from sweet to tangy, and its texture ranges from crisp and refreshing to soft and juicy. No matter what varietal, pears are also delicious when poached, especially prepared with cinnamon and sugar served over fresh vanilla ice cream.

Mushrooms (mid fall), while available all year long, are truly at their peak starting in September and October. Earthy and loaded with vitamin D and many other nutrients, mushrooms make a great addition to your dinner (or breakfast!). Sometimes known as the “meat” of the vegetable world, mushrooms can be used as a substitution for meat in many dishes.

Sweet Potatoes (late fall), often sold as yams, store very well and are available year-round, though they peak later in the fall season. Typically distinguishable by an orange exterior, sweet potatoes are found in various other colors, such as white, red, pink, violet, yellow and purple. There are many ways to prepare sweet potatoes: sweet, savory, roasted, boiled, mashed or fried, so there are endless ways to serve them up this fall.